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                        "*": "<center>\n[[Image:Optflux splash 20141020.png]]\n</center>\n\n__NOTOC__\n\n\n{|\n|-\n|[[Image:1258649492 label new red.png]] \n||\n*'''New Optflux3 available!  Download it here -> [ (Multi-platform)] <br>\nA major new release of OptFlux is now available, with several important improvements and new features.<br>\nPlease visit also the new OptFlux website at [].<br>\n'''A new tutorial is available in the section [[BeginnersTutorial]].'''\n|}\n\n'''SOURCEFORGE NOW AVAILABLE:''' - All the code is now available at sourceforge.\n\n* Go to the [ OptFlux Sourceforge Project].\n* You can also subscribe the [ RSS Feed] to keep track of all the changes, releases and news !\n\n\n'''OptFlux is published, Please cite using:'''\n\n*Isabel Rocha , Paulo Maia , Pedro Evangelista , Paulo Vila\u00e7a , Sim\u00e3o Soares , Jos\u00e9 P Pinto , Jens Nielsen , Kiran R Patil , Eug\u00e9nio C Ferreira  and Miguel Rocha.\n[ OptFlux: an open-source software platform for in silico metabolic engineering].\n''BMC Systems Biology'' 2010, '''4''':45\n\n*Miguel Rocha , Paulo Maia , Rui Mendes , Jos\u00e9 P Pinto , Eug\u00e9nio C Ferreira , Jens Nielsen , Kiran Raosaheb Patil and Isabel Rocha. \n[ Natural computation meta-heuristics for the in silico optimization of microbial strains].\n''BMC Bioinformatics'' 2008, '''9''':499\n\n*Kiran Raosaheb Patil , Isabel Rocha , Jochen F\u00f6rster  and Jens Nielsen. \n[ Evolutionary programming as a platform for in silico metabolic engineering].\n''BMC Bioinformatics'' 2005, '''6''':308\n\n{|\n|-\n||\n'''Older versions:\n*'''OptFlux 2.4 with Add Reactions plug-in ''' Check the [[Plugins|plugins section]] for the download link and the documentation. <br>\n*'''OptFlux 2.3 with Over and Under Expression plug-in ''' Check the [[Plugins|plugins section]] for the download link and the documentation. <br>\n*'''Regulatory Tool''' Check the [[Downloads|downloads section]] and the [[Plugins|plugins documentation]]. \n|}\n\nProblems with SBML? Validate your sbml model [ here]!\n\n== Introduction ==\n\n'''The OptFlux application includes a number of tools to support <font color=\"#FF7800\">''in silico'' metabolic engineering</font>. The application allows the user to load a genome-scale model of a given organism. This will serve as the basis to simulate the <font color=\"#FF7800\">wild type and mutants</font> (original strain with a set of selected gene deletions).'''\n\n\n\n'''The simulation of these strains will be conducted using a number of approaches (e.g. <font color=\"#FF7800\">Flux-Balance Analysis, Minimization of Metabolic Adjustment or Regulatory On/Off Minimization of metabolic fluxes</font>) that allow the set of fluxes in the organism's metabolism to be determined, given a set of environmental constraints. The software also includes a number of optimization methods (e.g. <font color=\"#FF7800\">Evolutionary Algorithms or Simulated Annealing</font>) to reach the best set of gene deletions given an objective function, typically related with a given industrial goal. It also integrates visualization tools from the BioVisualizer application.'''\n\n\n'''The OptFlux application is being developed taking as a basis the <font color=\"#FF7800\">AIBench framework</font>. This is an environment for the development of Data Mining/ Bioinformatics tools, using the Java programming language. The details of this project, a collaboration between the universities of Minho (Portugal) and Vigo (Spain), as well as updated documentation can be found at the web site.''' \n\n\n== Institutions ==\n\n=== University of Minho ===\n '''[ University of Minho]'''\n \n [[Image:Uminho.gif]] \n\n=== CEB ===\n \n '''[ Centre of Biological Engineering]'''\n \n [[Image:Logoceb.png]]\n\n=== SilicoLife ===\n\n '''[  SilicoLife]'''\n \n [[Image:Silicolife_logo_w.png]]\n\n== Powered By ==\n\n[[Image:Aibenchlogo.png]] []\n\n[[Image:Sbml.jpg]] []\n\n\n\n\n== License ==\n\n<br><font color=\"#FF7800\"><b>Copyright 2009-2014<br>\n[ CEB - Centre of Biological Engineering]<br>\n[ University of Minho]<br>\n[ SilicoLife Lda.]\n<br>\n<br>This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify\n<br>it under the terms of the GNU Public License as published by\n<br>the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or\n<br>(at your option) any later version.\n<br>\n<br>This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n<br>but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n<br>MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the\n<br>GNU Public License for more details.\n<br>\n<br>You should have received a copy of the GNU Public License\n<br>along with this code.  If not, see []\n<br>\n<br><font color=\"#FF7800\">Created inside the SysBio Research Group [ (]\n</font>\n<br><font color=\"#FF7800\">Supported by SilicoLife Lda. [ (]\n</font>\n\n\n[[Image:Gpl.png]]\n[]"