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The Model-seed works in two levels, a local server and The seed server, it is possible to import to the local model-seed:

  • biochemistry data
  • genome annotations
  • mappings

And use these data elements in local operations.

Import biochemistry[edit]

To import a biochemistry select the option Plugin Builder > MSeed > Import > Biochemistry and choose a name for the local data element. OptFlux will then ask Model-seed to retrieve the latest biochemistry version from The Seed and to create local of version with the selected name.

Import mappings[edit]

To import a mapping select the option Plugin Builder > MSeed > Import > Mappings and choose a name for the local data element and the local biochemistry to be associated to the new mapping. OptFlux will then ask Model-seed to retrieve the mapping from The Seed and to create a local of version with the inserted name and connected to the selected local biochemistry.


Import genome[edit]

To import a genome select the option Plugin Builder > MSeed > Import > Mappings:

  • choose one of the available genomes in The Seed
  • a name for the local annotation
  • the mapping available locally to be used.

A new genome annotation will be created in the local model-seed with the inserted name.

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