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How much time until computers can in fact reason, adapt, think, problem solve, tell stories, and understand and produce humor? They're all queries which computer scientists implementing Artificial Intelligence BI programming and theory are thinking about today. When will a machine, or computer system become aware, conscious of itself, thus alive, and thinking?

Point about this is philosophical, so much in fact that some ask the question backwards, frankly; are humans really thinking or merely responding to stimuli in an exceedingly predictable way?

Recently, there were some top scientists and computer engineers within the field suggesting that mankind in their find a thinking computer, true intelligence, has moved within the wrong direction, understanding that a neural network, which will be considered a totally different configuration could be appropriate, something less than dissimilar from what sort of Internet works where each point might do many calculations or differing types.

Then there's another group insisting that true artificial intelligence needs the ability to forget so that you can work properly therefore it doesn't exhibit schizophrenic behavior (which was observed mind you), along with the power to make some mistakes.

Simply mimicking human expression, or responding using data bases of phrases is not actually thinking. Even CRM software which touts itself to be artificially intelligent driven is not actually aware, it isn't really thinking, and although it could pass the Turing Test; a chance to fool a person's into believing it's really a real person these are talking too. Nevertheless, I'd suggest a true thinking computer would be able to look at the reverse, and realize regardless of whether it is talking to an actual human or actually talking to another computer.

Perhaps in the future all those lines can become so blurred as to make Turing Test irrelevant?

Indeed, there were entire chains of AI computers which talk to the other person in Internet Forums. It looks as though it's a conversation between two different people, but the dialogue is entirely shallow, with out original thinking really, although some people might in the responses are interesting, some laughable, but humans too make stupid remarks often enough the other only needs to surf Facebook for 5-minutes to determine that.

Will computers be capable of think? Well, assuming you mean; the way in which humans think, the reply is yes, eventually.

Currently, this indicates the Turing Test may be achieved, on the other hand ask could be that the real test or threshold we should be considering. It is indeed my belief that not only can AI become aware, but it will out think humans by combining the very best of all possible, likewise modified humans, "transhumans" if you'll, coupled to computer devices is going to do the same, knowning that my pals is simply a few time. So, please consider all of this and think about it.