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Revision as of 04:59, 29 February 2020 by (talk) (Seek out a demo of the game called X-Hex)
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Hello everyone! Seek out a demo of the game called X-Hex<a href=>.</a> The meaning of the game is this<a href=>.</a> Field rhombuses<a href=>.</a> On the fields set labels<a href=>.</a> Thanks to these marks the field grows and becomes bigger<a href=>.</a> At the moment when it begins to touch the opponent’s field<a href=>.</a> Dots begin move now to the enemy, then rearward. The winner is the one who fills the entire field. There bonuses, a call to an aircraft that randomly bombes the enemy’s fields and can hurt yours. Very interesting toy.

P<a href=>.</a>S<a href=>.</a> Thank you in advance You can reply to the mail<a href=>:</a> judbayneoranderson@gmail<a href=>.</a>com