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Erotic massage is a wonderful way to relax, connect and explore pleasure with a lover or intimate friend. On the path of Tantra, we like uniting to honor and celebrate the body being a temple of enjoyment. This experience will assist you to explore erotic energy in new ways which is a wonderful prelude to lovemaking. Learn six great things about massage.


Make a warm, quiet, comfortable place where you won't be disturbed for the next Couple of hours. Make sure all phones are turned off. Light some candles and place on some relaxing, romantic music.

One's heart Salutation

Start out with one's heart Salutation. It becomes an ancient tantric practice for acknowledging the Divine in every other as you enter sacred time. Sit across from the partner and appear into their eyes. Maintain his full attention throughout the remaining process. Extend your arms towards the earth, palms together. Inhale and, keeping them together, take the hands to your heart. Exhale, when you bow forward and acknowledge the Divine in every other. Inhale, when you straighten back. Finally, exhale as you let your hands to revisit the starting position, pointed towards the earth.

The Bubble

The Bubble calls you into present moment awareness and fosters a safe space in which to present an erotic massage. Produce a bubble surrounding you and your partner using your arms then it surrounds you both. Remove things in the bubble that wont serve this process (days gone by, distractions, anger, worry, etc.) Do that using a gesture, as if physically removing an object, while stating out-loud what you're removing. Next, bring things into the bubble that can transform your connection (Love, willingness, Presence, trust etc.) Once again, use gestures and spoken words. Here is two examples:

"I release days gone by."

" I call in passion."

Share Your Desires, Fears and Boundaries

When the bubble is produced, share your desires, fears and boundaries linked to giving and/or receiving an erotic massage. One individual speaks as the other person listens, without judgment or commentary. Then, switch roles. This is a good example:

"My desire would be to stay connect with erotic energy."

"My fear is I may fall asleep and you will feel hurt or disappointed."

"My boundary is finish this practice by at 11 pm."

Healthy Boundaries

People often imagine boundaries as walls. Healthy boundaries have been bridges that bring people together. Intimacy arises when healthy boundaries are honored. You feel safe, are open and provide. Boundaries can adjust, so check-in periodically to see how you are feeling. In case your boundary has changed, educate your partner. Please, don't expect the crooks to read your head.