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Can they do this for a laugh?

Why else are they going to name a phobia in a manner that would result in the person suffering the phobia to handle their fear? Personally, only had the job of naming 'the fear of long words' I might produce a word which was no more than possible.

What i'm saying is to know what people say is a 'long word', for an individual it could mean one word over 20 characters long, while for an additional it could be someone as little as a 10 letter word. But then again maybe naming driving a car of long words, Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia, is a great thing - because when individuals realise that they have got it, they are forced to face their fears straight away.

For those of you who may be thinking that I am creating this all up, or being distracted by an ellaborate internet hoax, I noticed that has it listed here.

However, apparently the term most commonly employed for the fear of long words is really a tiny bit smaller - Sesquipedalophobia.

What Causes Anxiety when Long Words?

There are several different reasons a thief develops Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia, including:

  • Issues with their speech - for example stammering
  • A poor experience where a word was pronounced wrong and caused embarrassment
  • Even watching another individual have a very bad experience with long words

The sources of fears including the fear of long test is usually brought upon someone by something simple such as the scenario's above - but that does not imply these are an easy task to get rid of. What Symptoms Will the Anxiety about Long Words Cause?

Driving a car of long words cause:

  • breath being short and breathe frequently
  • irregularity in your heartbeat
  • panic disorder
  • the sufferer feel nervous

This can also get them to be struggling to utter the simplist of sentences

How To Cure The worry Of Long Words

Phobias such as this one cannot be cured with medicines or drugs since it is a mental condition. Sufferers are looking for the believe that long words make them have panic disorder. They need to go through the underlying causes.

This can be done by talking to a delivery therapist or looking at NLP.