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Revision as of 18:59, 27 May 2014 by Bnoronha (talk | contribs) (Navigating draggin and zoom)
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The visualization plugin offers a set of functionalities to allow the user to interact with the layout.

Navigating draggin and zoom

It is possible to navigate the layout by pressing the right mouse button and move the view arround.

If a node is fixed it is possible to drag it to a new position. Simply press the left mouse button and drag the node to the desired position(see more about dragging, fixed and unfixed nodes here.

It is possible to highlight nodes by hovering the mouse cursor on them.

If the node is a metabolite node, all nodes that represent the same compound will be highlighted as well.
M highlight.png

If the node is a reaction, all the metabolites and edges that compose that reaction will be highlighted.
R highlight.png